Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Taylor Swift show amnesia, "Toxic" Brit (video)

TommyTruthful.com; Eds., Wisdom Quarterly
Taylor Swift fans report 'amnesia' following Eras[e Mind] show - TommyTruthful.com

Taylor Swift fans report ‘amnesia' following Eras Tour show
Is MK Britney toxic to kids?
The mysterious phenomenon surrounding Taylor Swift's Eras[e] Tour show [mass worship music concert] and its alleged effects on her devoted fans [has people asking questions].

The powers-that-be have long understood the mesmerizing potential of music, using it as a tool to induce amnesia and alter memories.

I'm the new Britney!
The [pop and rock] concert experience becomes a gateway to manipulation, a hidden ritual that transcends mere entertainment.

Delve into the depths of this enigma, seeker, for the truth lies obscured beneath the surface. Are these reported cases of [induced] "amnesia" mere coincidence, or is there a more sinister [experimental] force at play?

Let's unravel the threads of perception and question the nature of reality itself. The Eras Tour show may hold the key to unlocking the hidden powers of mind control and memory manipulation.

I knew Taylor Swift was full of s**t! (Bart)
Stay aware, resist the siren call of the music, and seek the truth beyond the veils of amnesia. More + VIDEO
  • CIA's Project Artichoke, MK Ultra (mind control)
  • Demons summoned for ritual magic?
  • Mass hypnosis?
  • Government experiments?
  • Fingerprints of conspiratorial "coincidences"?
  • Flames and smoke arising out of nowhere?
  • manylink.co/@TommyTruthful

Back up mind influencer ("witch") Ariana Grande: "7 Rings"

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