Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Should genocidal Israel exterminate Lebanon?

Who is Andrew D. Basiago?
Warlords Sec'y of State Ant Blinken and Commander-in-Chief Genocide Joe Biden are sending all of the weapons and monies promised to Israel, covertly and overtly, in secret and in the media, so the administration really doesn't know what CIA-and-Mossad-back Dictator Bibi Netanyahu is griping about in the media. Bibi made a video criticizing G.I. Joe and complaining about his administration. All but one shipment is on its way on time, and the only one that's slowed down was announced, so why is Bibi whining? (It all seems like a psyop to get even more weapons and money to fund the genocide when the prime minister is invited to a joint session of Congress in Washington, DC to demand it. No money for weapons, no money or diplomatic cover for genocide! Stop Israel now!

Andy Basiago has tangible evidence like this.
The ballot box seems the only solution. Let's see what our choices are. There's Genocide Joe, he's giving funds to Israel. There's Orangeman Don, he's promising funds to Israel. There's Independent RFK, he's pledged to support Israel all the way. There's Green Party candidate Jill Stein, she's Jewish but stands for peace. Will she support a Jewish state? Will she have a choice? There's nothing like power to find out. There's Cornel West, he's drowned out in the media and not taken the least bit seriously. There's write-in candidate Andrew D. Basiago, our choice but he may not be running as he was involved in Project Pegasus, a US program utilizing time travel in secret. Attorney Basiago is a whistleblower and wants to expose all of our black budget programs, secret operations, and the fact that we have had advanced technology (including the mind-boggling practice of time travel) to have a transparent US government.

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