Sunday, June 30, 2024

Anniversary of Einstein's theory of relativity

I'd rather be happy than right any day! - And are you? - No, that's where it all falls down of course

Did Alvie Einstein really say Buddhism is the best religion for modern needs? It is said he did.

How to put the genie back?
Is the theory of relativity true? Probably not, but the Suburban Lawns seem to think so, and that's all that really matters. If it helped some scientists do some scientificky things and work out some assumptions with numbers, all the better. No one can deny Albert gets credit for E=MC2, part of his equation for making mountains out of molehills. Why if it were not for him, how could we have built nuclear bombs to drop on Zen Buddhists in Japan, at Nagasaki and Hiroshima, and threaten the world ever since? Sure, he regretted it, but that's pure research for ya, never thinking of consequences. At least he had a social conscience and sense of humor. The US Department of War has to take most of the responsibility.

Einstein quotes we should know before we get old
(Wisdom) Albert Einstein was a German-born Jew, and possibly an aspiring Buddhist, theoretical physicist, widely acknowledged to be one of the greatest and most influential physicists of all time.

What's the secret, Al? - Be yourself.

Einstein is best known for developing the theory of relativity, which he revealed on June 30, 1905, but he also made important contributions to the development of the theory of quantum mechanics. This video contains Albert Einstein quotes.

This collection of quotations is made up of his best quotes, and we hope that his life quotes will inspire you to think about many things in your life.

The quotes from Albert Einstein are well worth your time. Don't forget to save screenshots of the quotes you like to add to your inspiring quotes collection. Thank you for viewing yet another video with quotes, this time by Albert Einstein.

#quotes #alberteinstein #wisdom #quotetruths. 🔥 Become a Wisdom fan today 👉 @wisdom-- Purchases made through links may provide compensation to the publisher.

Terrence Howard tried to warn us. Math is?
  • Wisdom, June 4, 2022; Sue Tissue, Suburban Lawns, "Janitors"; Sheldon S., Seth Auberon, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

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