Saturday, June 29, 2024

Science: C-19 vaxx kills 74% of sudden deaths

Vaxxed, Plandemic (
The Lancet,
 one of the world's more respected peer-reviewed medical science journals is censored, with popular article pulled from a rigorous study and review of many other cases. They show that 74 per cent of sudden deaths can be attributed to the Covid-19 vaccine, a killer experiment foisted on all of us, rushed by an "emergency authorization act" that means no one is allowed to sue the Big Pharma corporations who made, sold, and profited from these pharmacological (pharmakos = allopathic sorcery) poisons. We were lied to by Dr. Anthony Fauci and many others in the pharmaceutical industry and in government, NPR and other boosters and promoters supporting government lies and propaganda.

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