Friday, June 21, 2024

Sphinx, Moai, UFOs, Solar Dark Age (C2C)

Super ancient Sphinx carved into limestone, with replacement head and Hall of Records below
The giants or Moai of Easter Island are much bigger and older than we were told.

Prof. Robert Schoch, Boston University
Prof. of Geology Robert M. Schoch, a tenured faculty member at Boston University, holds a Ph.D. and is credited with realizing the antiquity of ancient monuments.

Last night on Coast to Coast ( he presented evidence that the Sphinx is thousands of years older than Egyptologists previously thought.

It's a case he has been making for decades. According to Dr. Schoch it's backed by strong geological proof. While most Egyptologists claim the Sphinx is only 4,500 years old, there are signs in the limestone bedrock that suggest the ancient monument is much older.

Marge, when were you in ancient Egypt?
"The initial thing that I saw was that the weathering on the Sphinx…is incompatible with the [arid] Sahara Desert conditions that have been there for 5,000 years," he notes. [Previously, it was lush and flooded.]
That looks nothing like Marge Simpson, and this is not Bart! (
Moai are 12,000 years old
Proof? Moai are so ancient they're nearly covered over
In this interview Dr. Schoch points out other ancient civilizations of great sophistication that flourished up to 12,000 years ago, most notably the Rapa Nui on Easter Island, who are thought to have built the moai and Gobekli Tepe in Turkey (Anatolia).

"We had true civilization before the end of the last ice age," he states, adding that it's not beyond reason to think Egyptians at this time were building the Sphinx.

Prof. Schoch admits that this idea has angered many archeologists, like Egyptian nationalist Zahi Hawass (the Indiana Jones of Egyptology) who claims he is "stealing Egypt from the Egyptians."

"I always contended that I wasn't taking anything away from Egypt or the Egyptologist," he says. "I was just extending things further back in time."

We needed freshwater to drink.
On a remote island located in the southeastern Pacific, a series of large statues line the coast. Nobody knew exactly why they were built until now. A group of archaeologists from Binghamton University in New York discovered that the main water supply for the ancient inhabitants of Easter Island may be why the majority of the island’s statues are concentrated on the coasts. Rapa Nui, also known as Easter Island, has only a small amount of freshwater available for use. The archaeologists determined that the people who lived there likely depended on groundwater discharge in coastal areas as their source of drinking water. Most of the 900 statues were constructed along the coast of the island. The reason behind their location puzzled experts for a long time, but now all the pieces have come together. According to Binghamton U Prof. of Anthropology Carl Lipo, a member of the research team, the statues were situated there because fresh water was within easy reach. [And as we all know, if you need freshwater to survive, you build massive monolithic statues to be close to that water so you can have a sip while you're working on them. Of course, this would not even begin to explain why the other statues not close to the coast were built.] More (Chick Chip)

Solar-Induced Dark Age
Prof. of Geology Robert M. Schoch: the official website of (

Prof. Schoch shares his views that a cataclysmic solar flare toppled the civilization that constructed the Sphinx, referencing ancient petroglyphs from around the world that portray such an event as being due to plasma ejections (coronal mass ejections from our sun).
"During an intense solar outburst…you would see things that would take on very distinct shapes in the sky…like cascading donuts," he explains.

"Close to 12,000 years ago, people around the world were carving the same [distinctive] images on rocks."

Prof. Schoch points out how Egyptian records thousands of years later acknowledged the Sphinx had once been struck by some kind of force more powerful than lightning, which he believes was a coronal mass ejection from the sun.

Civilization began after the last ice age?
"What are known as the dynastic Egyptians were building on a much, much earlier heritage, as they always insisted that they were," he notes.

The Sphinx's origin story is just one of the magnificent monument's mysteries. Prof. Schoch also discusses the enigmatic Hall of Records that Edgar Cayce said would be found under the Sphinx's left paw, which many believe exists and has been located. Whether it has been accessed and entered, that he doubts.

This ancient library could hold secrets about the lost civilization of Atlantis, and he tells listeners that "there's a high probability the entrance to the chamber is in [a] cliff base" [or "well" like shaft] under the sand. [This has apparently been echolocated or found with ground penetrating radar.]

UFOs and ET alien bases on Earth

ET and UFO researcher Robert M. Stanley
In the second half of the nightly four-hour show, ET researcher Robert Stanley discusses UFOs, including the recent Harvard study that posit hidden space alien civilizations on and in Earth. The Galileo Project searches for proof that ETs exist but fails to investigate deeper existential matters:

"It still doesn't answer the questions: 'Who are these beings? How long have they been here? What is their relationship to us?' and especially the question, 'Why are you here?'"

Stanley relays claims from NATO sources that there are different alien lifeforms (ETs) vying for control of this planet.

"They were talking about groups like reptilians, tall grays, short grays, and then the group that actually scared them…was the one that looked exactly like us, because they could literally be anywhere [living among us]," he says.

Rob, does this look like Marge to you?
Stanley believes ETs are drawn to Earth for its natural resources. "It's the other illegal alien invasion that nobody wants to talk about," he provocatively states. According to him, they may have another motive beyond exploiting Earth's riches, and that's to prevent humans from engaging in nuclear war.

He theorizes that "maybe [that kind of] detonation…tears the fabric of the universe."

Stanley published UFO photos on his website, and it was hacked so deeply that even the server administrators could not restore access. His instinct tells him this was government interference.

Simpsons? I don't think that looks like Lisa
"Officially, [they said] this is not a matter of national security," he stated. "Unofficially, by their actions, I would have to say that it's definitely a matter of national security."

UFOs appeared above Washington, DC over 80 times in 1952. He firmly believes top officials have gathered more information about ETs than they are letting on, saying "it would be shocking" if certain agencies didn't know the locations and motives of aliens among us.
  • [After all, they have surveillance methods, remote viewing programs, and ET sources of information from various groups who oppose one another, providing advanced technology, weapons, methodologies, and guidance in joint projects and departments. The US is not the only government ETs work with.]
According to Stanley, we won't have answers until the powers that be allow public discourse with known ETs, who possess technology beyond our worldly comprehension.
The discussion also includes the topics of quantum entanglement and extraterrestrials in the Jewish-Christian Bible.

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