Wednesday, June 19, 2024

TikTok: FREE wi-fi DIY? Nicki Minaj clone?

  • Main components, splitter and solder board
    Make your own free Wi-Fi "hotspot" for to link cell phone to the internet? (See Minute 30:40). In a minute of building, after gathering these simple ingredients, it may be possible. Everything about the setup is easy except possibly getting the tiny and super simple motherboard (photo at right) to solder the phone cable wires to at the very beginning of the instructional video. Is it a transistor or just an easier way to connect each of the five wires (black, white, blue, green, and red) from the phone cable?
  • 2-way cable splitter (MasterPlus MA-2102) 5-2400 MHz All Ports Power Pass
  • two small lengths of coated copper wire (red and orange)
  • Movistar Telefonica 5100114 97844 8
  • copper wire coiled around a pen
  • phone charging/data transfer cable
  • glue
  • solder
  • wire stripper
  • lighter
  • zip tie
  • then just follow the assembly video at Min. 30:41.
Nicki Minaj a clone of Cambodian Buddhist Princess Neaky Moneang?
Is rap singer and pop idol Nicki Minaj a physical clone of Camboian Princess Neaky Moneag?
Taylor Swift clone of Satanist Zeena [LaVey]?

Anton LaVey's daughter was a pop singer, too.
Covertly lesbian-leaning bisexual rapper and pop idol Nicki Mina (who's married to beard Kenneth Petty) is an oddly Asiatic Black woman said to be from an island in the Americas. She has a demonic entity or spirit who possesses her, a sexually vulgar and aggressive male alter ego she refers to as "Roman," which may explain her sexuality. Could she be the product of the DNA transfer (cloning) of Cambodian Buddhist Princess Neak Moneang (1943-2019)?

We look nothing alike. I'm a TN Christian.
It would not surprise us to find that such a program exists, just as other possessed oddball performers like Katy Perry, Beyonce, Doja Cat, SZA, and the super successful Taylor Swift might be channeled entities, "walk ins," invited to possess a singer and present (dancing, speaking, behaving as a diva rather than human would).

In the case of Taylor "Nazi Barbie" Swift, the connection to Satanist Anton LaVey's blonde daughter Zeena is striking, and joke conspiracy theory is made out of that striking resemblance, as if Taylor were Zeena. It is more likely that Taylor is a clone offspring of an older Zeena, a transition (of spirit and or DNA) taking place in or around 1989). Was Taylor born (birthed) for this role in corporate rock, pop, and country music?

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