Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Orthodox Jews forced into Israel's draft

Ultra-Orthodox Jewish men no longer exempt from compulsory military service, Israel court rules: the end of CIA Operative Dictator Netanyahu
(Global News) Jun 25, 2024: Israel's Supreme Court ruled on Tuesday that ultra-Orthodox Jewish seminary students must be drafted into the military and forced to kill, torment, and commit genocide on Palestinians ("Arabs") like secular Jews (who do not study and do not care about Jewish teachings that are inconvenient to their lifestyle and real estate deals) are willing and are forced to do.

The unanimous decision said there was no legal basis for exempting ultra-Orthodox men from serving in the military and had the potential to divide Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu's governing coalition.

There was mixed reaction from lawmakers and the public. While the military expresses a critical need for more recruits [cannon fodder to go into enemy territory in "Greater Israel," which includes Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Syria, and Iran, all of which Israel hopes to conquer in the future as it builds an empire friendly to Western backers], leaders of the ultra-Orthodox community view these exemptions as crucial for the continuation of their traditions.

For more info, see globalnews.ca #GlobalNews #yeshiva #israel
  • This is a travesty because Ultra-Orthodox do not oppose their neighbors Palestine and they do not support Zionist Secular Jewish "Israel" (nkusa.org)
  • Anti-war Jews (nkusa.org)
    Ultra-Orthodox Jews read the Bible (Septuagint, Torah, and Talmud), which tells them Secular Jews cannot establish an "Israel." It is anti-biblical, it is against their tribal God's will and dictates, and anyone studying in a Yeshiva can see this
  • In fact, Neturei Karta (NK) Jews protest Israel every week in Israel, condemning Dictator Netanyahu and the IDF, which in turn attack them, oppress them, dismiss them, and now are out to kill them by compulsory military service in wars they oppose. The Orthodox did not come to settle "Israel" in an illegal settler colonial project funded by the Rothschilds and condoned in the paid for Belfour Declaration. They were already living in Palestine in peace, alongside their neighbors the Muslim and Christian Palestinians. Ashkenazi European Jews decided this was their land, so they invaded, migrated, displaced and oppressed both the Palestinians (whom they say are "not a people") and the Jews living there for centuries, particularly in Jerusalem.
Sheldon S., Shauna Schwartz, Pfc. Sandoval, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly COMMENTARY

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