Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Daily Show takes on gay 'Pride, Inc.'

Who is behind the rise of transgenderism (and chemicals in shots and our water), Jeff Rense?
Hold on there, gay guy. We never cared. We're Corporate America. We go woke, we go broke.

Jon Stewart smashes the MYTH of corporate morality in Pride, BLM, and beyond | The Daily Show
(The Daily Show) June 10, 2024: It’s Pride Month! While some corporations like Target are hiding their pride for the sake of loud conservatives, others are doing everything they can to virtue signal to consumers. Jon Stewart rips off the mask of corporate “values” and examines how corporations will perform caring about issues like DEI (diversity, equity, inclusion), BLM (Black Lives Matter), climate change, or American patriotism (for MAGAots), as long as it means bigger profits, and how quickly they backtrack on those moral stands when it no longer suits their bottom line. #DailyShow #Pride #Diversity #Target

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