Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Save trees, forest, garden, human life (C2C)

Can minerals get in through the skin by soaking in mineral hot springs? - Yes.

Farms are ruined by toxic synthetics
Pat Miletich (mineralking.life) is a US kickboxing champion who has trained law enforcement and military personnel for 25 years.

His interview on Coast to Coast (June 10, 2024) discusses how he found a way to heal his lifelong respiratory illness, which eventually led him to study soil.

He discovered that the same principles that strengthen soil and food crops work for every living organism on the planet.
Crystaline minerals and gemstones
Miletich emphasizes the importance of recognizing the impact of environmental toxins on human health and offered insights into how to remove these toxins to be able to nourish our cells and mitochondria with high-grade nutrients that improve our immune systems.

The nutrient-rich supplement he promotes is sourced from living peat bog with concentrated nutrients from over 1,500 different types of plants which have been decomposing for over 60,000 years.
  • Minerals are micronutrients necessary for human life and health. Unlike vitamins (macronutrients) and calories, minerals are inorganic. They are neither animal nor vegetable, but these two depend on these essentials. There are about 72 trace minerals needed for good health.
Fulvic and humic acid minerals (shilajit)
To avoid chemicals and pesticides from store-bought produce, Miletich recommends we all grow our own food. He is working with the company Environotics, which offers microbial solutions for transforming and reclaiming the soil and compost in home gardens and agricultural fields.

The microbes, he explains, can remedy land and soil weakened by chemical exposure by converting "all those toxins into essential fatty acids, colloid nutrients, and beneficial nutrients for plants, humans, and animals."

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