Saturday, September 14, 2024

Easter Island has Native American DNA

Sexy Polynesians seduced Native American Indians on the mainland in ancient times?
Moai: the "ancestors" of the Rapa Nui people on Easter Island are honored in stone.
Ancient DNA from Easter Island/Rapa Nui shows Polynesians and Native Americans interbred
We should welcome the sea people.
The headline says it all, but where, when, why? The why seems obvious enough. Where and when?Stephen Luntz reports for

The population of Rapa Nui, dubbed "Easter Island" by Europeans who stumbled onto it on Easter and proceeded to rape, kidnap, and enslave the people, interbred with Native Americans from the Americas before Europeans arrived, despite a distance of 2,300 miles (3,700 kilometers) between them, ancient DNA suggests.

Thrust together, they made the best of it.
The islanders, once the poster children for a people who brought about the environmental collapse of their world through overharvesting of resources [a recently debunked but still popular theory], also appear to be innocent of this charge, according to the same research.
The island of Rapa Nui is so incredibly remote that even finding it is considered one of humanity’s most remarkable achievements before the acquisition of technology like compasses and large vessels.

We welcome Rapanui, intermarry.
The remarkable civilization built there by the native [American and Polynesian] people was made famous by the enormous moai (carved monoliths) they constructed, but it has fascinated anthropologists for other reasons.

One of these is the possibility that the inhabitants sailed on and reached South America. On the one hand, it’s a lot harder to miss a continent than a small island, but on the other hand, this would have required a voyage almost twice as long as the one from the other Polynesian islands from which the Rapanui people came.

Europeans kidnapped, raped, and enslaved us.
Genetic testing of the modern population of Rapa Nui has shown a diversity of ancestry, but that is distorted by the Europeans who first visited in 1722 and subsequently kidnapped most of the population for slaves.

Now, however, DNA has been found from 15 people who lived on the island, in some cases as far back as 1670, and whose remains are stored in the Musée de l’Homme in Paris.

Aztlan/Atlantis is overseas in underground caverns.
The possibility of interchange between Polynesia and the Americas via Rapa Nui has been very controversial, but the presence of foods like sweet potato, which originated in South America, is hard to explain any other way.

It also seems the first South American chickens were Polynesian breeds. The new study shows that about 10 percent of the ancestry of the pre-European contact Rapanui was Indigenous American.

That means some of the population not only sailed all the way to South America but found their way back to their tiny dot in the vast Pacific, bringing people they’d visited with them.

Not surprisingly, the Native American genetic inheritance of the population most closely matches peoples from coastal Chile and Peru. More

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