Saturday, September 7, 2024

Mystic rainbow body: Buddhist multiverse

Ancient Aliens: Mystic Secrets Revealed
Each universe has 31 planes
(HISTORY) Aug. 27, 2024: Within esoteric Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhism, one may hold the key to accessing alien realms (lokas, planes, dimensions, worlds) through deep meditation for the development of the "rainbow light body."

Once one is in this "enlightened" state, interdimensional and interstellar travel can take place.

This is a clip about Shambhala from Season 16 of Ancient Aliens, "The Lost Kingdom."
  • The King of the Dead Yama judges
    The real meaning of "enlightenment" (bodhi) is awakening (budh), which means escape and liberation. From what?
  • It is freedom from the round of endless rebirths (samsara) through countless worlds over incalculable aeons. These worlds are categorized into 31 general "planes." Actually, others are mentioned (such as the "interstitial hells" between bubble universes or world-systems, which are lit up when a Supremely Awakened One arises), so 31 should not be thought of as fixed.
There are countless world-systems (galaxies, universes?) in the 10,000 directions of space.
  • Some only come into existence during the dispensation of a supremely enlightened teacher (a samma-sam-buddha), who brings into being the suddhavati or "Pure Abodes" between this world and final liberation.
  • Tibetan letter "A" ("ahh") inside a thigle
    Stories of these special realms open only to partially enlightened beings seem to have been taken by some Mahayana Buddhists to refer to the "Pure Land" of a Cosmic Buddha named Amitabha. Worship of such beings as these other buddhas, like Maitreya, have left the historical Buddha Siddhartha "Shakyamuni" Gautama on the shelf and in the background. Attention and reverence are turned to other figures, who sound remarkably like Brahmanical/Vedic/Hindu deities recast into Buddhist cosmology. Buddhist terms are used to co-opt the popularity of the Buddha's Teachings (Dharma) to divert attention and prominence to the old Brahmins' sacred Vedas. It's very Mahayana yet not so much in line with what the historical Buddha was trying to accomplish in bringing light to the world.
Scientists are cheating, reading mystic texts from the East, catching up to Buddhist cosmology
What is the rainbow body?
The rainbow body manifested
In Dzogchen, "rainbow body" (Tibetan འཇའ་ལུས་, Wylie 'ja' lus, Jalü, or Jalus) is a level of realization. This may or may not be accompanied by the "rainbow body phenomenon."

The rainbow body phenomenon is pre-Buddhist in origin [1] and is a topic that has been treated fairly seriously in Tibet for centuries past and into the modern era [likely originating in yogic practices, Brahmanism, and Vedic Hinduism].

Devin, can you give the shortest possible answer?

Other esoteric Vajrayana Buddhist teachings also mention rainbow body phenomena, which occur during or after the dying process.

The rainbow body phenomenon is a third-person perspective of someone else attaining complete knowledge (Tibetan རིག་པ, Wylie rigpa).

Rebirth by karma into planes
"Knowledge" is the absence of delusion regarding the display of the basis. Rigpa has three wisdoms:
  1. kadag,
  2. lhun grub,
  3. thugs rje.
Kadag deals with trekchö [3]. The lhun grub aspect has to do with esoteric practices, such as (but not limited to) tögal, that self-liberate the human body into a Sambhoga-kāya ("rainbow body phenomenon") [3, 4]. More

Let's divide the universe (multiverse) into six realms: demon, animal, human, angelic

Watch all new episodes of Ancient Aliens, Fridays at 9/8c, and stay up to date on all favorite shows on The HISTORY Channel website at
  • Ancient Aliens; Gaia (video); Dhr. Seven, Pat Macpherson (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

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