Friday, February 28, 2025

Mad at Trump, an Anger-Eating Demon

My alter ego is the same as my facade -- all fronting, all bluster, all pettiness and, well, ego.

Killing me softly: How deadhead Pres killed funny Tom Tomorrow (

How to feed a demon
I used to be a good Democrat like Ron Reagan
Some demons love anger. They feed on it. Others savor depression, malice, suicide, all kinds of ick. Imagine microbes in the dark underground, taking poop we discard and recycling it into something green and fragrant shining in the sun. This world would not be possible with our friends in the Fungi Kingdom. There are bacteria and all sorts of worms, insects, and creepy crawlies. We depict this lightly in haunted houses full of cobwebs, dark and cold. But it's right under our feet all the time. These hardworking germies love to eat, reduce, and recycle. A nightcrawler worm farm is the best thing for a garden.

They think we're opposites, the stupid SOBs
All we regard as bad, yin, is made good, yang, and the cycle continues. We regard things as "good" or "bad," but those are our labels, our biases, our judgments. In fact, things are such (thanks to suchness), just so, as it is, perfect in their relationship to each other. Nothing is wrong. It just seems like there is. So a sickly demon (imagine a pasty, balding, flatulent fatarse whose face is rotting right on the bone) sits on a throne, and the light beings (devas, angels) are angered at it. And it begins to glow. It likes it, all the attention. Even negative attention is attention. "There's no such thing as negative press," says my PR agent. "All press is good press" because it keeps a face in the news, in the headlines, on the lips of everyone until we don't know what's really going on, but our attention has been captured.

The Dhamma ("Law" or "Norm") may be expressed in the Buddha's words recorded in the Dhammapada (Verse 5):

"Not by hating hatred ceases
In this world of tooth and claw
Love alone from hate releases —
This is an Eternal Law"
(originally translated by Francis Story)

The Anger-Eating Demon retold from an ancient Buddhist story
Ven. Nyanaponika Thera, edited by Wisdom Quarterly
If you don't shut up right now, I'm going to burst your aura with this finger. - Oh, really?
The Hatman's hot companion laughs to the bank
Once there lived a demon who had a peculiar diet: He fed on the anger of others. And as his feeding ground was the human world, there was no lack of food for him.

He found it quite easy to provoke a family quarrel, or national and racial hatred. Even to stir up a big war was not very difficult for him.

And whenever he succeeded in causing a war, he could properly gorge himself without much further effort because once a war starts, hate multiplies by its own momentum and affects even normally friendly and peaceful people.

Don't you try to dictate what we're going to feel!
The demon's food supply became so rich that he sometimes had to restrain himself from over-eating, being content with nibbling just a small piece of gnawing resentment from his wife found close by, if the fast food in the fridge was all gone.

But as often happens with successful people, he became overbearing. And one day when feeling bored he thought, "Shouldn't I try it with the gods (devas, lit. the shining ones in space)?"

Afte little reflection he chose the Heaven of the Thirty-Three, ruled by Sakka, King of the Devas. He knew that only a few of these devas had entirely eliminated the fetters of ill-will and aversion [as is brought about by Buddhist practice taught by the Buddha to Sakka and other devas who visited him in a certain watch of the night], though they are generally far above petty and selfish human quarrels.

So by his power he transferred himself to that heavenly realm and was fortunate to arrive at a time when the divine king Sakka was absent: There was no one in the large audience hall.

So without much ado the demon seated himself on Sakka's empty throne, waiting quietly for things to happen, which he hoped would bring him a good meal of surly emotions.

Soon some devas came into the hall. At first they could hardly believe their eyes when they saw that ugly demon sitting on the splendid throne, squat and grinning, a ginger with his red toupee combover. Recovering from their shock, they started to shout and lament:

"Oh, you ugly POS demon! How can you dare to sit on the throne of our reigning monarch? What utter dastardliness! What a crime! You should be cast headlong into hell straight into a cauldron of boiling oil! You should be drawn and quartered alive! Begone! Begone!"

But while the devas grew more and more angry, the demon remained pleased because from moment to moment he grew in size, in strength, and in power.

The anger he absorbed into his system started to ooze from his body as a smoky mist glowing red, like his rosacea, psoriasis, alopecia, and vitiligo. His evil aura kept the devas at a distance as their radiance dimmed.

Suddenly a bright glow appeared at the other end of the hall. It grew into a dazzling light from which Sakka, King of the Devas, emerged. He who had firmly entered the undeflectable stream that leads towards nirvana (a sotapanna), was unshaken by what he saw.

The smokescreen created by the devas' anger parted when Sakka slowly and politely approached the usurper of his throne and said:

"Welcome, Friend! Please, stay seated. I can grab another chair. May I offer you a drink out of hospitality? Our Amrita [the "nectar of the gods," brew of immortality, the Ambrosia of the ancient Greeks] is good. Or do you prefer a stronger brew, Vedic Soma? Some Sura?"

While Sakka spoke such friendly words, the demon rapidly shrank to a tiny size and finally disappeared, trailing behind a whiff of malodorous smoke that likewise soon dissolved.
  • —Based on a sutra from the Samyutta Nikaya, a collection known as the Sakka Samyutta, Number 22.

The gist of this story dates back to the discourses of the Buddha. But even now, over 2,600 years later, our world looks as if large hordes of Anger-Eating Demons are haunting it, kept well-nourished by millions slaving for them all over the face of the earth.

Fires of hate and wide-traveling waves of violence threaten to engulf humankind. The grassroots of society are poisoned by conflict and discord, manifesting as angry thoughts and words and in violent deeds.

Shall we buy and burn MAGA hats in protest?
Is it not time to end our self-destructive slavery and our impulses of hate and aggression, which only serve the demonic forces?

This story explains how demons of hate can be exorcised by the power of gentleness and love. If this power of love can be tested and proven, at a grassroots level in our widely spread net of personal relationships, society at large, the world at large, will not benefit.

Pope like in The Exorcist inhales vomit

Will the God's representative on Earth, leader of the Holy Roman Empire, make it to Lent?

Pope Francis had coughing fit, inhaled vomit, now on assisted ventilation
Accusations of apostasy dog Pope F (
(FOX 5 New York) Feb. 28, 2025: The Vatican says Pope Francis (alleged apostate pope Jorge Bergoglio) suffered a coughing fit that resulted in him breathing in vomit, requiring non-invasive mechanical ventilation. The Vatican says he responded well, with a good level of gas exchange, and remained conscious and alert at all times, enough to sign some important paperwork for the Vatican while on his deathbed because they need to look ahead to the next CEO, for which his special Swiss Guard is already preparing and practicing. The episode, reported late Friday by the Vatican, resulted in doctors keeping his prognosis from a two-week battle with double pneumonia as guarded. It marked a setback after two days of increasingly upbeat reports -- and a world in prayer on his behalf -- about an improved condition. FOX 5 NY: FOX 5's Teresa Priolo has the story.

Demon Legion vomits on Catholic priest
Scary Movie dares to mock the original The Exorcist with a vomit off
(SNL) Father Richard Pryor wrestles demon in Exorcist II with soup

Why did the Church change Christianity?

The Teachings of the Gnostic Gospels
(Wise Quotes) Wisest Advice Discover the hidden truths of early Christianity with a deep dive into the Gnostic texts uncovered in Egypt over the past centuries. These ancient manuscripts, particularly those found in Nag Hammadi, reveal esoteric knowledge and a Gnostic worldview that challenges orthodox beliefs. Learn about the Demiurge, the concept of multiple universes, and the controversial portrayal of figures like Mary Magdalene and Judas. This exploration into Gnosticism and the suppressed teachings about the material world offers a fresh perspective on the origins of Christianity. Bridge the gap between ancient Gnostic cosmology and modern Church theories like the multiverse and quantum physics.
Baalbek better than biblical creations? Giant Baal

Youth Sutra, The Buddha's Diet Plan

Anti-fat propaganda poster, USA, 1942
Want guaranteed weight loss and better health? What if there were a "Royal Buddhist Diet"? Well, there is and it's hard, but it really works.

King Pasenadi of ancient Kosala was very fat.

He waddled around his kingdom, belly swollen, feet sore, short of breath. One day, after eating a bucket of rich, royal food, he found the Buddha and sat beside him, panting like a sweaty mess.

Rich foods are royal. Healthy foods are priceless
The Buddha gently commented, "When one stays mindful, one will know how much one has eaten and what amount is enough. Then all of that person's afflictions will become slender and one will age gently and protect one's life."

A Brahmin youth from the king's retinue was standing nearby. King Pasenadi instructed him to memorize the Buddha's words and recite them whenever the king was about to eat.

As soon as King Pasenadi learned to pay bare attention to his eating -- to savor it and remain aware of chewing and tasting and swallowing it -- he was able to delight in a single cup of rice.
  • TikTok live from Pasadena (@alyssaantocii)
    [So as not to body shame the royal, let's just say he was voluptuous, zoftig, big boned, had a glandular condition, metabolic syndrome, was prediabetic, loved flying his freak flag and doing his own thing, had too much plastic xenoestrogen in his body and brain from the environment, ate too much, and had poor impulse control from early traumatic childhood events that made his regulation of dopamine a challenge.]
  • Hollywood diet craze: candy (Food Network)
    NATIONAL STRAWBERRY DAY (Feb. 27th) adds an extra aphrodisiac to the American "month of love." Devilishly sweet, delightfully low in calories, strawberries (which are not really berries though avocados are) are the perfect food to feel naughty and nice at the same time. Grown both around the U.S. and around the world almost year-round, we’re never far from a supplier of this tasty tongue-tickler to celebrate!
  • It's also FAT THURSDAY, International Polar Bear Day, Protein Day, Pasty Day, World NGO Day, The Big Breakfast Day, Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day, No Brainer Day, Retro Day, Chili Day, National Toast Day...
Going vegan saves the animals and the planet.
In time King Pasenadi became slender and strong, full of energy and beautiful. And as he sat stroking his slender limbs, he said:

"The Buddha has twice shown me compassion -- for my benefit now and for my benefit in the future."

What is this diet regimen called? "Mindful eating." What is "mindfulness"? Let's ask Ven. Analayo:
The Buddha looks too young
Mahavira: The Buddha was 35
In the Dahara Sutta, SN 3.1, King Pasenadi hints that the Buddha is too young, so young in fact that, compared to other prominent teachers, he must not yet be fully enlightened.

The Buddha explains to the king that there are four things in the world that must not be taken lightly on account of their youth:
  1. a noble,
  2. a snake,
  3. a fire,
  4. a holy person.
It was this discourse (S.i.68f.) that resulted in the conversion of King Pasenadi, which Mahayana refers to as the Kumāradrstānta Sutra (Rockhill: p.49):

Youth Sutra: Too Young?
Ven. Sujato (trans), Dahara Sutta (SN 3.1), edited by Wisdom Quarterly

Thus have I heard. Once when the Buddha was staying near Sāvatthī in Jeta’s Grove, in Anāthapiṇḍika’s monastery, King Pasenadi of Kosala arrived and exchanged pleasant greetings with him.

When their greetings and polite conversation were over, the king sat respectfully to one side and said to the Buddha: “Does the worthy Gotama claim to have awakened to supreme enlightenment?”

“If anyone should rightly say of someone that he has awakened to supreme enlightenment, it is of me that one should say it. For, great king, I have awakened to supremely perfect enlightenment.”

The king replied, “There are those wandering ascetics and [temple-bound] Brahmin priests who lead a monastic order and spiritual community (sangha) and tutor that community. They are well-known, famous founders of religions (dharmas), deemed enlightened (holy) by many, such as:
Little serpent (naga) can become mighty dragon
“I also asked them whether they claimed to have awakened to supreme and perfect enlightenment, but they made no such claim. So why do you, given that you are so young and only [relatively] recently gone forth [into the left home life of a wandering sannyasin]?”

“Great king, these four should not be looked down upon nor disparaged because they are young:
“These four should not be looked down upon nor disparaged because they are young.”

That is what the Buddha said. Then the Enlightened One, the Teacher, went on to say [in verse]:

“A person should not despise
a noble of impeccable lineage,
high-born and famous,
just because such a one is young.

For it is possible that that lord of humans,
as a royal heir, will gain the throne.
And in anger will execute a royal punishment
and have one violently beaten.
Hence, avoid such a noble
for the sake of life.

Whether in village or wilderness,
wherever a snake is seen,
one should not look down on it
nor despise it for its youth.

With its rainbow of colors,
a snake of fiery breath slithers along.
It lashes out and bites a fool,
male and female alike.
Hence avoid it
for the sake of life.

A fire devours a huge amount,
a conflagration with a blackened trail.
One should not look down on it
just because it is young.

For once it gets fuel
it will become a huge inferno.
It will lash out and burn a fool,
male and female alike.
Hence avoid it
for the sake of life.

When a forest is burned by fire,
a conflagration with a blackened trail,
shoots will spring up there again,
with the passing of days and nights.

But if a wanderer endowed with virtue
burns you with holy power,
you will have neither sons nor cattle,
nor will your heirs inherit wealth.
Childless and heirless you become,
like a palmyra palm-tree stump.

That is why a wise person,
seeing what is beneficial,
will always treat these four properly:
a snake, a fire,
a famous noble,
and a holy person endowed with ethics.”

When this was said, King Pasenadi of Kosala exclaimed:

I've got my eye on you, Little Fire
“Excellent, sir, excellent! As if one were righting what was overturned, or revealing the hidden, or pointing out the path to one who was lost, or lighting a lamp in the dark so people with eyes could see what is there. Just so the Buddha has made the Teaching clear in many ways. I go for guidance to the Buddha, to the Teaching (Dhamma), and to the [noble] Saṅgha. From this day forward, may the Buddha remember me as a lay follower who has gone for guidance as long as life lasts.”

Stories: Urgency of spiritual practice

Motivational stories to calm the mind
(Buddhist Insights Journey) In today’s fast-paced world, finding peace can feel difficult. However, the timeless wisdom of the historical Buddha reminds us that true tranquility lies within. The "Buddha Story Motivational and Calm Your Mind" brings inspiring tales from the Buddha’s life, offering lessons to uplift, soothe, and guide toward inner peace. These stories help overcome challenges, reduce stress, and find harmony, showing that calm begins with the mind and has the power to transform life.
  • 00:00 Intro: Buddha motivational stories to calm the mind
  • 00:41 1. The Parable of the Burning House
  • 04:44 2. The Bamboo Grove and Patience
  • 09:21 3. The Story of the Lost Ox sound
  • 13:41 4. The Buddha and the Mirror
  • 17:28 5. The Parable of the Poisoned Honey
  • 21:44 6. The Fasting Monk and Compassion
  • 26:09 7. The Story of the Generous King
  • 30:08 8. The Monk and the Tree
  • 34:40 9. The Story of the Rich Man and His Wishes
  • 40:43 10. Story of the Buddha and the Beggar
  • 44:32 11. The Parable of the Blind Men and the Elephant
  • 47:46 12. The Buddha and the Robe of Gratitude
  • 51:05 13. The Lesson of the Golden Fish
  • 55:46 14. The Serial Killer Angulimala who became a Saint
  • 01:04:03 15. The Buddha and the Broken Bowl
  • 01:07:03 16. The Parable of the Snake
  • 01:10:36 17. Story The Buddha and the Hungry Tigress
  • 01:14:30 18. The Farmer and His Troubles
  • 01:19:28 19. The Buddha and the Flower Sermon
  • 01:24:54 20. The Buddha and the Glass of Water
  • 01:28:11 Thanks for listening
Thanks for joining us on this journey through the wisdom of the Buddha. Found these stories inspiring and helpful in calming the mind? Remember to like this video and subscribe to the Buddhist Insights channel for more motivational content and spiritual guidance. Stay connected for more teachings that bring peace, clarity, and wisdom into daily life.

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#story #stories #buddhastory #buddhastories #storymotivational #calmyourmind #buddha #buddhist #buddhism #buddiststory #buddhistinsightsjourney #buddhistinsights #buddhastorytocalmyourmind #buddhastorymotivational #buddhastorymeditation #buddhastorymoral #buddhastorieswithmorals #buddhastoryforpeaceofmind #buddhiststoryonmindcontrol #buddhiststoryonmindset #storiesbuddha #storybuddist #storybuddha #wisdomstories #wisdomstory #buddhistinsights #buddhistinsightsjourney 
  • Buddhist Insights Journey, Nov. 28, 2024; CC Liu, Dhr. Seven, Pat Macpherson (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Is astrology real? 7 Planet Parade (2/28)

Rare planetary alignment: How to see 7 planets in the night sky Friday night
Mercury out of retrograde. Everything to return to normal. To see eighth planet, look down.
(FOX 5 New York) This Friday night, all seven of the other [publicly disclosed] planets in our solar system will be visible in the night sky. This rare celestial event, often called a planetary alignment or "planet parade," a syzygy in astronomy, will offer a stunning view of:
  1. Jupiter,
  2. Saturn,
  3. Mars,
  4. Venus,
  5. Mercury,
  6. Uranus [Your anus? You run us?]
  7. Neptune.
Is astrology real?
The eye in the sky sees all?
There has to be something to it, right? Rich people pay -- and have for millennia paid -- all that money to soothsayers and zodiac readers, prognosticators and cold readers. Poor do no such thing, getting a discount by calling in their questions on 1-900 lines, like good old Miss Cleo. All of that is hogwash, but is the royal astrologer, Nancy Reagan's occultist influencers running the country, Ayurvedic practices derived from the ancient Vedas?

Ronnie runs the Republicans, and I run Ronnie.
Even Buddhist monks get in on the sign readings, even though the Monastic Disciplinary Code (Vinaya) would seem to bar that. First, just because the newspaper astrological forecast is bunk for a popular audience, that doesn't mean there isn't a real thing. Second, just because the reasons given why it works (the minute influence of celestial bodies on us the moment we're born, but not the moment before when we were in the faraday cage of our mother's womb) is farfetched doesn't mean it doesn't work for some reason or another. Third, David Wilcock (aka Edgar Cayce) believes in it.

The flawed Western zodiac missing #13?
Fourth, for thousands of years, from the geniuses of ancient Egypt to the stone builders of the Americas, astronomy and astrology do something to the fancy apes walking obliviously on the surface of this plane, this cakkhavala. Fifth, just because an inordinate number of girls and gays live and die by astrological predictions and star sign personality types (not just in the West but in ancient India, China, and Africa) doesn't mean thousands of years of study and assessment has found nothing.

Horizontal cosmology – Buddhist cosmology
Sixth, if an astrologer can go forward in time to say what's going to happen, okay, maybe that's projection, expectancy, confirmation bias, wish fulfillment, unconscious influence, but if one can go back in time to declare what has happened to you and when, that's a lot harder to explain; the chart knows something.

We'll stick with Buddhist cosmology over NASA
Seventh, the Buddha far from debunking astrology and the occult arts, inadvertently acknowledged it by setting down rules against monastics engaging in the practice for profit. What was he prohibiting, unrealities and popular delusions? We believe, maybe not like fanatic numb numbs with phone apps declaring secret psychological knowledge of personality types based on birthdays, but we believe.

Oops, UFO gets itself on TV news