Sunday, April 10, 2022

Sadhguru's Himalayan alien ET encounters

(Mystics of Bharat, March 25, 2022) Sadhguru has had a few crazy Himalayan space alien encounters. He discusses them and the different kinds of life which are not human. Sadhguru spoke to Joe Rogan on his podcast.

ABOUT: Sadhguru is a self-proclaimed guru, yogi, and mystic He gives speeches, public addresses, makes videos, gets himself quoted, and sometimes teaches. His meditation techniques, he claims, have changed "the lives of million." He is live and his latest videos can be found on the Mystics of Bharat  (MOB) channel, Bharat being the ancient name of India as in the famous poem, the Mahabharata or "Great Bharat."

SOURCE: The podcast portion was previously published as part of The Joe Rogan Experience, which the MOB channel is authorized by Sadhguru to share. MOB has permission. The original work has been transformed by adding MOB's own unique value such as added high-quality edits, a storyline, commentary, and special effects to create a completely new and original video.

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