Sunday, September 15, 2024

Vance admits Haitian pet story fake?

Meow, can you arm me so I can defend myself?
Can you imagine what the MAGA Central offices communications must be like?

How can we fan the fires of racist hatred, JD?

Don't worry, we'll find a way. Look around in your state for a stories or rumors we can use. We'll exploit the h*ll out of them.

Good idea, Sir. There is this one farfetched story from the TV.

The TV? That's a good source. What did The Box say?

Are the Haitians bothering you? - Meow.
We got a Haitian problem, too many migrants coming in to do the work Americans don't want to do, and the people are sick of it. So someone heard...


Well, the someone's friend's daughter heard someone else...

So three people?

Yeah, I guess you could see it that way?

See, I'm always thinking.

What did they do?

They're eating pets.


No, dogs, too, and critters from the...

Say no more! Dogs?! This is a bonanza. Run with it!

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