Saturday, September 14, 2024

Cartoon sex gets too real (Family Guy)

Why is Brian the [horn-] dog hitting on his best friend Peter's wife Lois? But she sees what he's up to.

What nerve Brian has! Poor Lois is accosted while convalescing in her own bedroom. What if he were to see what he's been after as it really is, foul (asubha) and repugnant?

Reflections on repulsiveness
Help! I feel imprisoned by lust, always craving what I don't have but can't stop thinking about.
Venerable, what is the cure for obsessive lust?
 [1] is a Buddhist Pāli language term that is generally translated as "reflections on repulsiveness."

It refers to a traditional Buddhist meditation. In it, 31 parts of the body are contemplated in a variety of ways. In addition to developing mindfulness (sati) and stillness (samādhi), this form of meditation is considered conducive to overcoming lust and craving.

Along with cemetery contemplations such as the contemplation of the nine stages of decay, this type of meditation is one of the two meditations on "the foul" or "unattractive" (asubha) [2].

Did you see it, Bri? - Stewie, I smelled it!
Paṭikkūla literally means "against" (paṭi) "the slope" or "embankment" (kūla) and has been translated adjectivally as "averse, objectionable, contrary, disagreeable" and, in its nounal form, as "loathsomeness, impurity" [3].

Manasikāra, derived from manasi (locative of mana thus, loosely, "in mind" or "in thought") and karoti ("to make" or "to bring into") and has been translated as "attention" or "pondering" or "fixed thought" [4].

What are you looking at? Why are you staring?
In contemporary translations, the compound term paṭikkūla-manasikāra is generally translated as "reflections on repulsiveness" or, adding contextual clarity at the expense of literal accuracy, "reflections on repulsiveness of the body" [5].

Alternate translations include "attention directed to repulsiveness" [6] and "realization of the impurity of the body" [7].

For Emmy consideration, Family Guy tries to get fancy to woo Hollywood and get an award already.

Try not to laugh clips
Is it a laughing matter? Vulgar cartoon obscenity once canceled in America

Benefits of this strange practice

I remember how warm and sexy she was. Grrr!
This type of meditation is traditionally mentioned as an "antidote" to sensual lust, passion, and obsession [8].

This is also one of the "four protective meditations" along with anussati ("recollection") of the Buddha, mettā (universal loving-kindness, benevolence, agape) practice, and the recollection or mindfulness of death [9].

I love my owner's wife
In individual sutras, this type of contemplation is identified as a contributor to a variety of mundane and transcendental goals. For instance, in the Girimananda Sutta (AN 10.60), Ananda's recitation of this and other contemplations immediately cures an ailing monk [10].

In the Sampasadaniya Sutta (DN 28), Ven. Sariputta declares that meditating on these 31 body parts leads to "the attainment of vision, in four ways" and briefly outlines how this method can be used as a springboard by which one "comes to know the unbroken stream of human consciousness that is neither established in this world nor in the next" [11].

With a debased mind/heart, where will someone be reborn? What future is to come?
In addition, in the Iddhipāda Samyutta's Vibhanga Sutta (SN 51.20), this meditation subject is used to develop the four Bases of Power (iddhipādas) by which one is able to achieve liberation from all suffering [12].

Tara Brach, with lust behind her, is at peace.
While the Pali canon invariably includes this form of contemplation in its various lists of mindfulness meditation techniques [13], the compendious 5th-century Path of Purification (Visuddhimagga) identifies this type of contemplation (along with mindfulness of in-and-out-breathing or anapanasati) as one of the few body-directed meditations particularly suited to the development of samādhi (Vism. VIII, 43) [14]. More
  • AI (simulated Family Guy LIVE action movie trailer); Seth MacFarlane, Family Guy (cartoon); Amber Larson and Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly Wiki edit

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