Saturday, April 9, 2022

Our Hollywood celebrities keep dying (video)

AN, 2/25/20; Ven. Nyanatiloka; Ven. Koh Yin Gyi, Ellie Askew, Dhr. Seven (ed.), Wisdom Quarterly

70 notable Hollywood deaths
(AWESOME NOSTALGIA, 2/25/20) What's wrong with the stars? They keep dying. Sometimes we say, "The sky's gone out," for a star as big as the sun fading out. Think of Betty White, for instance. Hollywood deaths between 2000 and 2019 helps commemorate Hollywood's most famous actors who are no longer with us.

Remembering them may hurt, but it's good medicine to remember where we are and what we are. Who promised us even another day? So here's a list of Most Unbelievable Hollywood Deaths of this Millennium. From Brittany Murphy and Heath Ledger to Patrick Swayze and other dead Hollywood  legends. Rest in peace.

🏠 Website: DEATHSNEWS: Lists of Deaths: 🏠

"Recollection of Death"
Ven. Nyanatiloka, Buddhist Dictionary: Manual of Buddhist Terms and Doctrines edited by Dhr. Seven
This contemplation is one of the Ten Recollections treated in detail in the Path of Purification (Vis.M. VIII):

''Recollection of death, developed and frequently practiced, yields great reward, great blessing, has Deathlessness (nirvana) as its goal and object. But how may such recollection be developed?

"As soon as the day declines, or as the night vanishes and the day is breaking, the meditator reflects: 'Truly, there are many possibilities for me to die: I may be bitten by a serpent, or be stung by a scorpion or a centipede, and thereby I may lose my life. But this would be an obstacle for me.

"'Or I may stumble and fall to the ground, or the food eaten by me may not agree with my health. Or bile, phlegm, and piercing bodily winds may become disturbing, or men or ghosts may attack me, and thus I may lose my life. But this would be an obstacle for me.'

"Then the meditator has to consider: 'Are there still to be found in me unsubdued unskillful, unwholesome things which, if I should die today or tonight, might lead me to suffering?'

Not dead but deep in samadhi (Siberia)
"Now, if one understands that this is the case, one should use one's utmost resolution, energy, effort, endeavor, steadfastness, attentiveness, and clear-mindedness in order to overcome these unskillful, unwholesome things" (A VIII, 74).

In the Path of Purification (Vis.M. VIII) it is said: "One who wishes to develop this meditation should retreat to solitude, and while living secluded one should thus wisely reflect: 'Death will come to me! The vital energy will be cut off!'

"Or 'Death! Death!' To one, namely, who does not wisely reflect, sorrow may arise by thinking about the death of a beloved person, just as to a mother while thinking about the death of her beloved child. More

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