Saturday, April 9, 2022

The Wisdom Quarterly PODCAST? (cartoon)

Jeff, Buddhist cosmology is literally verifiable.
My friend Roshi Jeff and I were once planning to launch a podcast, back when that was cool and the world wasn't inundated with talking-heads, invisible voices from the ethers opining East and West, Mahayana and Theravada. He favored Zen and I the throwback school of the elder enlightened monastics that surrounded the historical Buddha.

We talked for hours and hours after Thursday night meditations as it was, so it seemed like a natural. Our laconic friends listened, some with fervent interest, others wondering, "What the H are these two going on about?"

We could be politically incorrect while being sensitive progressives (Rodney Alan Greenblat)
Alan Watts
is a brilliant spiritual entertainer. There really are enlightened people alive today; I've seen them! Shinzen Young has his fingers on the pulse to articulate a "Do Nothing" approach to success in meditation, because what can you do? It will do you. Just let it. Take it. I was of a mind to apply the antidotes to the Five Hindrances the Buddha warned would arise the moment we try to rebel against Mara and sit for calm and insight.
Who knows? Maybe The Jeffster will come round when his kids are grown up enough to not need constant supervision. There are funny and fascinating stories to tell, from the old koans (cases) to older suttas (discourses) to modern witticisms by contemporary Dharma teachers.

What a great life it would be to attend retreats, practice for calm, then talk talk like Dingo and the Baby. I'd be the Baby taking the wind out of serious and pious Dingo. He could be Zen, never answering a spiritual question with anything but a mundane reply. We could call it Weenie and the Bun, Roasting Dzogchen, Soul Pancake, or Anatta Flapjack, lol, or the Prajnaparamita Power Hour.

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