Out on a Moonlight Walk, Little Red Riding Hood? How convenient, no Door Dash fee.
13 is bad. Be afraid! 666, bich! |
Thirteen is scary. Friday (party night!) is scarier. Combine them and holy F. Festivities could get spooky. It's not that we suffer from triskaideka-phobia ("fearing and avoiding the number thirteen").
This phobia is one of the reasons we FEAR
Friday the 13th (
para-skevidekatria-phobia or
frigga-triskaideka-phobia, from the Old Norse Goddess
Frigg, whose day is Friday).
12 apostles + 1 leader = 13 |
In 1910 Isador Coriat mentioned it in
Abnormal Psychology, according to Wiki. The supposed
unlucky nature of the number 13 -- which we were made to fear by the Church as it defamed our beautiful Moon, Earth's calendar with its 13
lunations or repeating
phases, swapping it out with the solar
Gregorian calendar, moving lunar calendars to
lunisolar systems).
Oh, Goddess Soma (Moon), forgive us. |
Imagine a time when things made sense for the ancients. Our
Moon Moon (
Sin, Nanna, Soma, Chandra, Luna) was a calendar in the sky, the seasons came and went, the sun did its thing (going around in a halo, not over us, as depicted in ancient Buddhist, Jain, Hindu, Vedic cosmology, and the modern realization of hated genius Eric Dubay), the stars seemed to wander yet magically keep their positions as Earth, we are now told, spun at 1,000 MPH and wobbled and wiggled all through open space, while expanding with everything else). Hogwash. Here we are on a platform with things moving above us. The Moon and 13 are key, so to keep that from us, we must fear them.
Give us the Sun! We want the return of the Sun! We'll convert to
Astrotheology and do whatever the Church says! Just bring back the Son with all your priests and their cult magic.
Time to break out the Edgar Allen Poe poetry. |
Several authors claim fear of 13 is an older belief but have yet to produce evidence to document the claim. In fact, the earliest attestation of 13 being unlucky is found after the Middle Ages in Europe. So enjoy a dose of
triskaidekaphobia until what we've lost becomes clear. This is the first FTT of the year after all. There will be one more (12/13/24) closer to Xmas.
California was overheating; now it's chilly. |
Can't wait? Move to Dictator Maduro's new Venezuela, where he declared Oct. 1st as "Early Christmas" three months ahead of time in a bid to deflect criticism for taking over and the economy being bad. But imagine three extra months of the holiday season! That ought to cheer everyone up for smiley face authoritarianism rather than Orwellian truncheons and 1984 imagery.
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