Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Debate: Kamala WINS, grumpy Trump fails

I'm a lawyer, prosecutor, Top Cop, DA, AG, Senator, and he's a felon, a criminal, a con-man.
Rematch! I demand a rematch! She's the worst vice president ever and is worse than Biden!
That b***h didn't win. I lost. But she didn't win.
She was bright, professional, not angry, not nervous, not aggressive. It was clear she had studied, and it paid off. Trump was a grouchy old (adult diaper wearing) fart, unable to smile, as menacing as Dick Cheney used to be. Only even Dick can't stand Trump. Not only did super-Republican warmonger Cheney back Kamala, years ago he backed Hillary Clinton, too. He was no fan of Trump even then, just as his sensible daughter, Liz Cheney, appears to be. They know who the powers that be are. If anyone was swayed, it was swing voters in favor of Harris.
The Demiurge wants you to vote for this clown.
Sure, the diehard MAGAots and forever Trumpers will stick by their declining hero and God-given candidate. But the rest of us are done with the tired old lies, dog whistles, racial divisiveness, doublespeak, outrageousness, narcissism, opportunism, self-serving bias, and lies. Oh, the lies. What did Trump do to enemy Hillary? Nothing. He should have locked her up. He didn't. Now she has the chance to see this government bring down the weight of the law on him. Will it? It sure looks like it. Trump could be in jail before Thanksgiving, claiming to be innocent of everything, all his perfect phone calls, speeches, stealing documents, corruption, and Jan. 6th incitement, defaming his rape sexual assault victims, and hypocrisy. He has almost singlehandedly destroyed the GOP (Republican party), and good riddance.

(David Pakman Show) DEBATE: Trump collapses, Kamala laughs
Brian Tyler Cohen [wants a cabinet position in the KD administration]
(JimmyDore.com) The Jimmy Dore Show goes live for the debate
Vince Vaughn (MikeMacRae.com) and Jimmy Dore have a conversation

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