Friday, September 6, 2024

Loudmouths: Pussy Riot (TED Radio/A7x)

Pussy Riot's Nadya featured on Avenged Sevenfold's punk-metal hit "We Love  You":

Devastated by attempted murder of her friend - opposition leader Alexei Navalny (Punktuation!)

I tried to warn her to shut her lady mouth, and now I want her in Siberian gulag for being loud.
Nadya Tolokonnikova's Pussy Riot
Sometimes, the only way to make an impact is to be loud. This hour, three female performers talk about the rewards — and uncomfortable consequences — that come from speaking out and making people feel discomfited. One who knows more about that than most is Pussy Riot's Nadya, the face of a collective feminist movement and music group in Vlad Putin's Russia. Loudmouths: TED Radio Hour, Aug. 30, 2024 (NPR)
  1. AUDIO: Nadya Tolokonnikova: Pussy Riot's sexy resistance against Putin [sexism, fascism, and social injustice] — and the consequences
  2. Lilly Singh: When 'a seat at the table' isn't enough and not what you expected it to be
  3. Sarah Jones: 'Sell/Buy/Date' director on the controversy surrounding her film on the plight of U.S. sex workers and the backlash by those sex workers
Interviewed by TED Radio Hour Host MZ
Powerhouse TED Radio Hour Host Manous Zomorodi being quietly loud at NPR.
I'm aging gracefully (losing minerals)
HOST: Manoush Zomorodi, who is Persian/Swiss, is the host of NPR's TED Radio Hour. She is a journalist, podcaster, and media entrepreneur, whose work reflects her passion for investigating how technology and business are transforming humanity. TED Radio Hour won the 2023 Ambie Award for Best Knowledge, Science, and Tech podcast. Her book Bored and Brilliant: How Spacing Out Can Unlock Your Most Creative Self (2017, St. Martin's Press) and her TED Talk (with 6 million+ views) are guides to surviving information overload and the "Attention Economy." In 2018, Zomorodi founded Stable Genius Productions, where she produced and hosted, among other shows, ZigZag: TED's business podcast about being human. More
You're making Russia a police state, you Cossacks and puppets for The Man! Anarchy for liberty!
Nadya is now in Los Angeles. Her Pussy Riot now plays hyper-sexualized, Satanic-themed, Die Antwoord-style (rip off) punk rock in clubs and was scheduled to open for Avenged Sevenfold
Our balaclavas (knitted caps) gave us anonymity and voices to speak up for social justice!
  • This segment of the TED Radio Hour was produced by James Delahoussaye and edited by Sanaz Meshkinpour. Facebook @TEDRadioHour and email at
  • The TED Radio Hour with Host Manoush Zomorodi; Ananda (Dharma Buddhist Meditation), Dhr. Seven, CC Liu (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

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