The Dharma, sutras, and commentarial interpretations of interest to American Buddhists of all traditions with news that not only informs but transforms. Emphasis on meditation, enlightenment, karma, social evolution, and nonharming.
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Meet the college student who pulled down a Confederate statue in Durham and defied white supremacy; Bree Newsome: Charlottesville is latest chapter in long U.S. history of Christian white supremacist terror.
Antifa: A look at theAntifascist Movementconfronting white supremacists in the streets
Host Mitch Jeserich talks with James Loewen, emeritus professor of sociology at the University of Vermont, who worked with a commission studying Confederate monuments in Baltimore. Loewen is the author of such books as Lies My Teacher Told Me, Lies Across America: What Our Historic Sites Get Wrong, and The Confederate and Neo-Confederate Reader.
Rev. Brittany Caine-Conley of Congregate C’ville talks about the organizing they did on the ground in Charlottesville, Virginia and the role white people should play moving forward.
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