Tuesday, September 3, 2024

We TRY to like Kamala, but we just can't

Vote Green, vote Jill Stein in 2024.
Mainstream voting goes from worse to worser. It's just a decision about who's worse. That would seem obvious, that horrible narcissist and chronic liar DJT is hands down worse. But enfeebled Genocide Joe was worse. Now, admittedly KDH is better than him, but she's terrible. She just looks nice and is more a symbolic improvement. Behind the veneer(s), she's a miserable choice.

AOC, we register our protest vote (Green)
Where are Green candidate Jill Stein and the transparency candidate Andrew D. Basiago? Called "nuts" by the mainstream the Squad's AOC, they seem far better. Who wouldn't want an anti-war candidate who wants to save the environment, who as a Jewish woman opposes Israel and the US War Machine that funds it. Basiago is tired of government secrecy and non-disclosure. There are things to disclose, and he aims to...unless he has already been stopped by manipulators of our timeline, the movers and shakers of this simulated reality (samsara) we're stuck in.

Kamala Harris wants you to like her and forget about her record of non-accomplishments

(Tulsi Gabbard) Sept. 1, 2024: Rep. (Democrat, Hawaii) Tulsi Gabbard shares her experience with Kamala Harris during the 2020 presidential debate and reminds the American public about Kamala's poor record.

Kamala Harris continually lies (makes things up) to promote herself, 'totally ridiculous'
(Sky News Australia) March 10, 2023: Sky News host James Morrow says Harris continually says things that are "totally ridiculous." Morrow said Harris' storytelling has people questioning where the "TV show 'Veep' end and the Kamala Harris vice presidency begin?" Morrow says the “disingenuous” VP Harris has a “fantastic history” of skeptical and “kiddy-conservative” stories. “I guess we should be glad she is only using stories about herself as a baby – rather than a real baby.”
  • Hillary Kamala Supporter (MikeMacRae.com), Jimmy Dore (jimmydore.com); Sky News Australia; Tulsi Gabbard (YouTube); Pfc. Sandoval, Ashley Wells, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

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