Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Racist OC sheriff’s deputy is proud of it

Nisha Gutierrez-Jaime, KTLA, 6/3/20; Pfc. Sandoval, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Here he is with racists (KKK?) on riot duty.
An Orange County sheriff’s deputy wore extremist group patches on his uniform at a protest for the murder of George Floyd by the racist police of Minneapolis. The unidentified O.C. sheriff's deputy is under investigation for wearing those patches.

99% of cops make 1% look bad
They are connected with racist extremist groups on his official paramilitary uniform during a protest in Costa Mesa over the racist policing.

O.C. Sheriff Don Barnes launched the internal investigation -- police policing themselves and keeping the results quiet -- into the deputy, who was seen in photos and videos sporting a "Don't Tread On Me" flag (of the Culpeper Minutemen?) and far right Oath Keepers' patch on [slave] patrol in Costa Mesa yesterday. More


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