The great King Asoka, an Indian emperor who went from conqueror and slaughterer to great Buddhist benefactor. He lived 200 years after the Buddha. And his daughter and son, Sanghamitta and Mahinda, were fully enlightened monastics.
They traveled to the island and set up a citadel of the Dharma that has survived and preserved the message of the Buddha to this day. The Los Angeles Buddhist Vihara in Pasadena and Maithree Vihara in Sunland and Lankarama Temple in La Puente/City of Industry [as well as Sinhalese temples throughout America] will hold celebrations on Sunday, June 19th.
All are welcome, with exotic food and refreshments served at noon, meditation, monastic chanting, and the opportunity to observe the precepts. (Come dressed in white according to ancient Indian custom).

- Los Angeles Buddhist Vihara (8:30 am - 5:30 pm)
- 920 N. Summit Ave., Pasadena, CA 91103
- (626) 797-6144 labuddhistvihara.org
- June 26 at Dharmavijaya.org on Crenshaw Blvd., L.A.
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