Saturday, September 14, 2024

Cartoon sex gets too real (Family Guy)

What nerve Brian has! Poor Lois is accosted while convalescing in her own bedroom. What if he were to see what he's been after as foul?

Reflections on repulsiveness
Help! I feel imprisoned by lust, always craving what I don't have but can't stop thinking about.
Venerable, what is the cure for obsessive lust?
 [1] is a Buddhist Pāli language term that is generally translated as "reflections on repulsiveness."

It refers to a traditional Buddhist meditation. In it, 31 parts of the body are contemplated in a variety of ways. In addition to developing mindfulness (sati) and stillness (samādhi), this form of meditation is considered conducive to overcoming lust and craving.

Along with cemetery contemplations such as the contemplation of the nine stages of decay, this type of meditation is one of the two meditations on "the foul" or "unattractive" (asubha) [2].

Did you see it, Bri? - Stewie, I smelled it!
Paṭikkūla literally means "against" (paṭi) "the slope" or "embankment" (kūla) and has been translated adjectivally as "averse, objectionable, contrary, disagreeable" and, in its nounal form, as "loathsomeness, impurity" [3].

Manasikāra, derived from manasi (locative of mana thus, loosely, "in mind" or "in thought") and karoti ("to make" or "to bring into") and has been translated as "attention" or "pondering" or "fixed thought" [4].

What are you looking at? Why are you staring?
In contemporary translations, the compound term paṭikkūla-manasikāra is generally translated as "reflections on repulsiveness" or, adding contextual clarity at the expense of literal accuracy, "reflections on repulsiveness of the body" [5].

Alternate translations include "attention directed to repulsiveness" [6] and "realization of the impurity of the body" [7].

For Emmy consideration, it's fancy. Why is Brian the dog hitting on his best friend Peter's wife Lois?

Try not to laugh clips
Is it a laughing matter? Vulgar cartoon obscenity once canceled in America

Benefits of this strange practice

I remember how warm and sexy she was. Grrr!
This type of meditation is traditionally mentioned as an "antidote" to sensual lust, passion, and obsession [8].

This is also one of the "four protective meditations" along with anussati ("recollection") of the Buddha, mettā (universal loving-kindness, benevolence, agape) practice, and the recollection or mindfulness of death [9].

I love my owner's wife
In individual sutras, this type of contemplation is identified as a contributor to a variety of mundane and transcendental goals. For instance, in the Girimananda Sutta (AN 10.60), Ananda's recitation of this and other contemplations immediately cures an ailing monk [10].

In the Sampasadaniya Sutta (DN 28), Ven. Sariputta declares that meditating on these 31 body parts leads to "the attainment of vision, in four ways" and briefly outlines how this method can be used as a springboard by which one "comes to know the unbroken stream of human consciousness that is neither established in this world nor in the next" [11].

With a debased mind/heart, where will someone be reborn? What future is to come?
In addition, in the Iddhipāda Samyutta's Vibhanga Sutta (SN 51.20), this meditation subject is used to develop the four Bases of Power (iddhipādas) by which one is able to achieve liberation from all suffering [12].

Tara Brach, with lust behind her, is at peace.
While the Pali canon invariably includes this form of contemplation in its various lists of mindfulness meditation techniques [13], the compendious 5th-century Path of Purification (Visuddhimagga) identifies this type of contemplation (along with mindfulness of in-and-out-breathing or anapanasati) as one of the few body-directed meditations particularly suited to the development of samādhi (Vism. VIII, 43) [14]. More
  • Seth MacFarlane, Family Guy (cartoon); Amber Larson and Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly Wiki edit

Pope tells Americans how to vote

He's onto us, Don. I can't go against him. - Calm down, Rudy. He hates abortion more.
Have you Americans even read this Book? This book has all the answers on how to vote.
Pope launches scathing attack on Donald AND Kamala in shock US election intervention
Attention! Pope salutes his foot soldiers in the Church of the Holy Roman Empire, Inc.
I'm the pope, so "who am I to judge?"
Pope Francis has made a shock intervention in the US election as he launched a scathing attack on both Kamala Harris and Donald Trump. Speaking on a flight from Singapore to Rome, the current pope blasted Harris's pro-abortion stance and Trump's immigration policies.

He called abortion an "assassination" and labelled Trump's deportation plans a "grave" sin.

Questioning Pope's standing in the Church?
The pontiff then urged American Catholics to [choose evil but to] "choose the lesser evil" at the polls in November. [Third party good? Don't even dream about it.]

Without naming names, the Pope referred to the candidates' policies and genders [but not their ages or colors, Orange and Black]. "Not voting is ugly. It is not good. You must vote," he said.

"You must choose the lesser evil. Who is the lesser evil? That lady, or that gentleman? [Hmm, wait, who is he talking about?] I don't know [he admitted]."
The US it too gay. Tone it down like Rome does.
He added: "Whether it is the one who is chasing away migrants [the Orange one] or the one who that kills children [the Black one]. Both are against life."

The comments came after a 12-day tour of [Buddhist] Southeast Asia and Oceania [a region of the world made famous in 1984].

The original VIP target in his Pope Mobile
VP Harris has vowed to restore national abortion protections, while XP Trump plans to deport millions of immigrants.

American Catholics, numbering 52 million, are a crucial voter group in battleground states like Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

I need to go kiss him on the head... - No, Joe!
Il Papa
 rarely weighs in on elections but has previously criticized Trump's anti-immigrant rhetoric, once saying Trump was "not Christian." [Goodness knows what he's said about a woman in the White House or a pro-abortionist who love gays, Zionist Jews, and American proxy-wars in Israel/Middle East and Ukraine/Russia.]

So I'm in, right? I'm for the Jews and reproductive rights and don't have kids. I'm a shoo in.
I tell you what God wants, and you do what you're told, get it? Or you go to hell.
Maria, how will we vote? - You heard him, Chuy, he left us no choice. We must vote evil.
[In conclusion, all Catholics who disobey must say so in confession, and the parish priest will prepare a report to be sent to Rome and the Holy See marked "urgent, for Pope's eyes only!" who will then review it and tell God the names of those who disobeyed, and the Heavenly Father will take care of doling out penances, punishments, and perdition requests. At the very least, expect some limbo time. And don't try asking Mother Mary for intercession on this one. God's not going to fall for it this time.]
  • Sami Quadri, Evening Standard via MSN, 9/14/24; Pfc. Sandoval, Ashley Wells, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Easter Island has Native American DNA

Sexy Polynesians seduced Native American Indians on the mainland in ancient times?
Moai: the "ancestors" of the Rapa Nui people on Easter Island are honored in stone.
Ancient DNA from Easter Island/Rapa Nui shows Polynesians and Native Americans interbred
We should welcome the sea people.
The headline says it all, but where, when, why? The why seems obvious enough. Where and when?Stephen Luntz reports for

The population of Rapa Nui, dubbed "Easter Island" by Europeans who stumbled onto it on Easter and proceeded to rape, kidnap, and enslave the people, interbred with Native Americans from the Americas before Europeans arrived, despite a distance of 2,300 miles (3,700 kilometers) between them, ancient DNA suggests.

Thrust together, they made the best of it.
The islanders, once the poster children for a people who brought about the environmental collapse of their world through overharvesting of resources [a recently debunked but still popular theory], also appear to be innocent of this charge, according to the same research.
The island of Rapa Nui is so incredibly remote that even finding it is considered one of humanity’s most remarkable achievements before the acquisition of technology like compasses and large vessels.

We welcome Rapanui, intermarry.
The remarkable civilization built there by the native [American and Polynesian] people was made famous by the enormous moai (carved monoliths) they constructed, but it has fascinated anthropologists for other reasons.

One of these is the possibility that the inhabitants sailed on and reached South America. On the one hand, it’s a lot harder to miss a continent than a small island, but on the other hand, this would have required a voyage almost twice as long as the one from the other Polynesian islands from which the Rapanui people came.

Europeans kidnapped, raped, and enslaved us.
Genetic testing of the modern population of Rapa Nui has shown a diversity of ancestry, but that is distorted by the Europeans who first visited in 1722 and subsequently kidnapped most of the population for slaves.

Now, however, DNA has been found from 15 people who lived on the island, in some cases as far back as 1670, and whose remains are stored in the Musée de l’Homme in Paris.

Aztlan/Atlantis is overseas in underground caverns.
The possibility of interchange between Polynesia and the Americas via Rapa Nui has been very controversial, but the presence of foods like sweet potato, which originated in South America, is hard to explain any other way.

It also seems the first South American chickens were Polynesian breeds. The new study shows that about 10 percent of the ancestry of the pre-European contact Rapanui was Indigenous American.

That means some of the population not only sailed all the way to South America but found their way back to their tiny dot in the vast Pacific, bringing people they’d visited with them.

Not surprisingly, the Native American genetic inheritance of the population most closely matches peoples from coastal Chile and Peru. More

You Eat Animals? (sci-fi ET comedy)

I think we're animals who love to hunt, kill, and devour others. - It's what God wants.
You Eat Other Animals? | Sci-Fi Comedy Short Film | Vegan Aliens
(Wily Films) Here is a sci-fi comedy in which two happy-go-lucky earthling human men are being taken to an alien planet of untold wonders and pleasures when their female vegan hosts learn a stomach-churning truth about earthlings. Starring Evanna Lynch, Anna Ballantine, James Eeles, and Michael Jinks, and an after-credits scene. Please refrain from pirating this film, which would be stealing from animal charities.

This short comedy was inspired by a claim that chickens were slaughtered towards the end of their natural lives. I tried to keep it fun rather than laboring points (like pigs being super smart and the most intelligent victims on the farm).

People seem keen to let me know when they think I've failed, but clips from the film have had tens of millions of views across socials, and at least one person stopped eating meat after watching it (the biggest win).

The reference to Chinese, like the reference to the Japanese and Canadians, refers to current inhabitants (specifically to the Yulin Dog Meat Festival) rather than the Han (the largest ethnic group in China).

Common arguments against veganism
This article explains why meat eaters feel the need to defend their behavior and attack vegans:

I didn't address these arguments in the film as I was unaware people used them to justify their support for animal suffering and slaughter (while the beautiful and advanced aliens are surprised earthlings would still eat animals).

"Other animals eat animals!" 
Other animals have no choice, lack moral reasoning or agency, and act on instinct. Other animals routinely commit infanticide (eating others' babies), while some eat their young (their own babies). Should humans? I mean, why waste all that "protein"?

The logic of basing our behavior on what other animals do is clearly flawed, or we should have no compunction about killing and eating babies with our genitalia hanging out (which is frowned upon yet no one tells the other animals anything about it).

Here's a great drama short that imagines humans copying a "natural" animal behavior that is called rape by humans:
"We're meant to eat meat!"

So fair is fair and bears can eat humans?
We evolved as omnivores, but there is now no need to corral, kill, or consume meat. That's just a fact. Please read and, which address the "meat made us human" myth.

The scientific consensus is that a meat-free diet is the healthiest with research dating to the 1960s (Adventists). The Southern States also made similar arguments for maintaining slavery: that it's perfectly "natural" (Stephens). Slavery existed for millennia and the majority thought it fine so, clearly, neither a historical norm nor the majority view is necessarily the correct or moral one. Rather, your ethics are likely formed by cultural ethical relativism (Einstein referred to meat eaters as being imprisoned by delusion). 

"Eating plants is no better!"

Be kind, Humans.
This runs along the lines of plants being "alive", "sentient" or having "feelings". Plants are alive but are not sentient and do not have feelings. If you can't see the difference between a cow and cowslip please read this paper - - which debunks the research that has led to some meat eaters claiming plant sentience in a desperate attempt at deflection (while ignoring that more human-edible crops go to feeding livestock than directly to humans). It is worth noting that trees bear fruit specifically to be eaten (no livestock wants us to eat them), while the argument that eating one life form is no worse than eating any other life form is to also argue people should be eating golden retrievers: calling vegans hypocrites for distinguishing between the plant and animal kingdoms while distinguishing between different orders of mammal is absurd. Indeed, this whole argument is so embarrassingly inane I'm surprised I have to address it. #evannalynch #vegan #scifi #comedy

"Animals are killed growing crops!"
Animals are killed harvesting crops though the data is poor (they count populations before and after harvesting so do not account for animals that simply leave when the combine harvester approaches). However, not only is killing animals not the purpose of arable farming (and tens of billions more animals are killed in animal agriculture each year) but more human-edible crops go to feeding livestock than (directly) to feeding humans, so meat eaters are still responsible for more of these deaths than vegans (even before the animals are slaughtered for their meat). If you're concerned about creatures being chopped up, veganism would be the best course.

Producer: Henriette-Mercedes Spiering; DP: Rob Jarvis; Editor: Jim Page; Casting: Zita Zutic Konak @ ET Casting; Costume: Isabella Van Braeckel; Makeup: Tabiatha Mae-Bo Li; VFX Sups: Daniel Cuevas. Qian Han. Josh Barham. Allar Kaasik; Composer: Raphael Fimm; Band Leader: Harry Maund Vocalist: Natalie Oliveri; Sound Designer: Dom Lee; Sound Mixer: Michalianna Theofanolpolou; Special thanks: VegFund. Raw Capture. ET Casting. Brunel Uni. SHL Lighting. - Wily Films

In ET we trust: Aliens watch over USA?

Confederate flag with an Indian emblazoned on it at a game in Cork, Ireland (

Ancient Aliens: Supernatural Surveillance. Aliens Are Watching Over America

I'm a sovereign citizen of this Union
(HISTORY) Could space alien (akasha loka) extraterrestrials be keeping an eye on North America [like they have been recorded doing in other parts of the Americas, particularly in the rich hotspot region known as Mesoamerica with all its stone temples and pyramids]? Find out in this Ancient Aliens compilation! Watch favorite episodes of Ancient Aliens on The HISTORY Channel website at #AncientAliens

Dixieland Deceived: The Grand Conspiracy Behind the US Civil War
Dixieland Deceived: Conspiracy
Author Mike S. King has 4.4 out of 5 stars with 37 ratings. The true story of the U.S. Civil War (aka the War Between the States, the War of Northern Aggression) does not “lie in the middle” somewhere. Rather, it is something altogether different from either the contemporary northern Establishment account or the Southern revisionist version. In reality, the brotherly bloodbath of 1861-1865 was not in essence a “civil” war as much as it was an attack launched on the U.S. from an invisible foreign power, traitor-agents, and sincere dupes operating in both the North and South. It was “the usual suspects” based in Rothschild’s Europe -- aligning with and using the empire-seeking Plantation Aristocracy of the South -- who planned and, under one false pretext after another, executed America’s greatest disaster. It was only the determined leadership of Pres. Abraham Lincoln that thwarted the elaborate scheme of this deadly cabal in the end. Acclaimed "correctionist" historian investigative journalist Mike King takes readers on an exciting, illusion-shattering suspense ride through important history that still has implications today. More

(Ancient Aliens) What about Buddhism?
  • History, Feb. 1, 2024; Pfc. Sandoval, Pat Macpherson, Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Friday, September 13, 2024

LSD is mushroom, moldy bread brain (PBS)

Doctors and hippies were onto something.
Isn't it amazing what mushrooms can do? Sure, there are magic mushrooms, but Fly agaric (Amanita muscaria) is even more powerful in shamanic applications.

Then there are the Sixties, provided courtesy of LSD and cannabis. Who knew that the ergot on rye grain is a fungus? Fungi is mushroom, which is the fruiting body of the organism rooted in mycelia (the invisible matting underground that sends up mushrooms and makes the forest a natural "internet," playfully referred to as the Wood Wide Web.

Ergot fungus on rye and other grains such as barley is what was isolated to make LSD, lysergic acid diethylamide. The Spirit Molecule DMT plays into this, who knows, but it must because it is so widespread in nature and in the middle of our brains at the point called the third eye (pineal gland), which seems to be the transducer and modulator between worlds, the illusory one and the one behind it.

If we're in a matrix, how does anyone know except that they have had a taste of the real thing, the more real Dreamland or Spirit World from fevered dreams and spiritual visions? Who can say? But we are not seeing the world that is really here, only a tiny slice of the band of visible light and intriguing shadow.

How to avoid possession by Mara
When people take an entheogen, a psychedelic, their pupils dilate, that is, open up. It is as if they are now taking in more light and trying to capture it all with eyes wide open. It's a wider sliver of the band, into what we could call invisible light.

Why can we call it that? If ordinary consciousness and physical eyes see these wavelengths, this much of the range, what must dilated pupils and activated occipital lobes be able to take in? LSD is expanding the range, which is why Freak Street (Nepal) fashions and shamanic regalia are so colorful.

Shamanic healing with entheogenic plants
Is mold a mushroom? It is a fungus, and in common parlance we use "mushroom" to refer to all fungi. Lichen is a strange symbiotic combination of algae (chlorophyll) and (cyano-) bacteria and although assumed to be fungal growth on the sunny side of rocks is actually something else altogether. Yeast is a fungus, so it's not so strange that LSD (from grain used in the making of bread) would be, too.
  • PBS (video); TEXT: Pat Macpherson and Dhr. Seven, Wisdom Quarterly